平日は bar miyako が19時〜25時、bar miyako living が19時〜27時までの営業となっておりますが、土曜日につきましてはbar miyakoと bar miyako livingが交互に19時〜24時まで営業してます!(どちらか1店舗は営業しているようになっています)

While both bar miyako and bar miyako living are open on weekdays, on Saturdays, we alternate operations so that one bar is open while the other is closed.
You can check our calendar for details on which bar is open (green means miyako, orange means bar miyako living), or just pop in and test your luck! For January, we’ve deviated a bit from schedule and miyako will be open on Jan. 6, 20, 27, while living will be open on Jan. 13.