bar miyako and noto gin in january

1月にご来店くださり、NOTO GINを飲んで能登半島を応援してくださった皆さま、想いを寄せてくださった皆さま、本当にありがとうございます。(インスタグラムで、1月のNOTO GIN 関係の画像などをまとめたリールを作成しましたので、よろしければそちらもご覧ください!)


微力ながら、NOTO GINの在庫が続く限り続けていきたいと思いますので引き続きよろしくお願いいたします!

Thank you to everyone, both from Japan and abroad, who came to our bar in January and sent their wishes to the disaster-stricken Noto Peninsula by drinking some NOTO GIN. We managed to serve some 160 glasses (around 13 bottles!) of the lovely spirit during the month.

We’ve uploaded an Instagram Reel of our NOTO GIN related activities in January, so please check it out if you have the time!

And on February 1, we donated roughly a third of our earnings from the gin to the Japan Red Cross’ Noto disaster relief fund.We’d like to continue our efforts (however small…) to support the recovery of the peninsula as long as our supplies last, so we hope to see you all back at that bar again soon!